Saturday, 22 June 2013

Who Da Man? - My Journey into Womanhood (Part 4)

Nearly two years ago I blogged about My Journey into Womanhood.  God was really showing me a lot about myself that Summer and He still is.  My journey into womanhood is still continuing and I am recognizing  that this may take a while.  Yep, I'm a WIP (Woman in process).  I wish God could just do one of His suddenlies right now and make me into the woman He has purposed me to be, but it's just not happening.  I am a bit stubborn, okay, okay... a lot stubborn.  And you know, when the Master Potter recognizes that the clay isn't being putty in His hands, He will pound it back into a mold then reshape it on His wheel.  Ouch!!! This has been a painful experience, but here I am already pounded and still on the wheel in the hands of the Creator.

I have an idea of the design He would like me to be as it is in the Book.  With finesse the Master Potter is fine-tuning me between His fingers to have the feminine heart in 1 Peter 3:4  and the character of the Proverbs 31 woman. I am taking a while. Frankly, I have thought I was done many times, but the Potter knows best.  My concern is that after the wheel, comes the fire.  Undoubtedly, I must be tested to truly know if I am the vessel I was created me to be so God will get the glory.

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:7 

The good thing is that I realize God is working and that I may have a loud mouth, but can still have a quiet and gentle spirit.  I am also learning that I can't go on this journey alone - I have the Bible as my compass and I am doing better at allowing the Holy Spirit to take the drivers seat.  He is good at knowing when to take stops and when to let others come on parts of the journey with us.  If it were me I probably would not have let anyone come with us or I would not have journeyed with them for as long as we have.  But, I am kinda understanding what He is doing.... sometimes - I have things to learn with all those who are with us.

Right now, I feel like I am in a dark place - nowhere near where I feel I should be. However, God has promised me "treasures of darkness" (ref. Isaiah 45:3)  So when this "jar of clay" is ready to be filled, I will have treasures in me to share with others.

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