Monday, 3 June 2013

Let You Go

My pride wouldn’t let me admit that you, my formidable foe, were hurting me
You did not relent and kept on pounding harshly on my chest
Beaten and battered my anger rose as the sun set
In the darkness, I turned my stony face toward the moon,
Hoping you would not see me cry
I did not want you to think I was weak

So many people told me to let you go
But, you were such a friendly fiend
I became familiar with all your ways
And, you stole my heart

You built a protective fort around us
No one could every break down the thick walls to get to us
Our defenses were up
And we kept up the façade that I was safe

I was never lonely as you kept my company
Speaking to me day and night
The fire you sent through my veins intoxicated me
I was forever yours

Yes, my friends warned me against you
But, before I knew it you were a fixture in my heart
Now, I realize they were right
I became your prisoner
I became your slave
When I struggled to get away you held on so tight
I didn’t want any more of the pain
You hurt me and you made me hurt others
You made me desolate and depressed
Using all your might against me,  you broke my will

I searched for hope and I found it deep beyond my soul
The Spirit within gave me more light than the moon offered in the tortuous darkness of my soul
Then, I realized I had to make a choice to leave you
If not, I would forever be imprisoned by you
My weeping lasted through the night
But, now it is morning

Today, I will stand firm against you, my great enemy
I will see my salvation
The battle was never mine
So, I will give it up and I will let you go

By N. Carara

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