Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Who Da Man? - My Journey into Womanhood (Part 3)

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

I love Paul's writings.  He never beats around the bush.  Chapter 16 is the last chapter in the first letter to the Corinthians and he gives it to the brothers - "ACT LIKE MEN," he said, while urging them to be watchful, stand firm in the faith, and be strong.

When I read Paul's epistles I recognize that he says what he feels he has to say.  The meaning of "act like men" in Greek means "to make a man of"  and also "to show one's self a man".  I know I have often told men to "be a man,"  but, it is more of an affront coming from me rather than a man and leader like Paul.  Paul must have had good reason to tell them this.  Something else that stands out to me in this chapter is that besides the introduction of Aquila and Priscilla, also called Prisca, this is the only other time Aquila is mentioned before Priscilla.  I see Paul as a purposeful man and I believe he wanted to make sure these men of Corinth took their rightful place as spiritual leaders and so made sure even the slightest details such as mentioning Aquila before Prisca helped to bring his point across.

How often do we as women "show ourselves to be men"?  All to frequently, our circumstances "make a man of "us as there are very little men around to do what has to be done.  Therefore, the women are left to shoulder the burden.  Then what happens when a man comes along who can actually get the job done?  We get defensive and say we can do things ourselves and we don't need a man.  These are deceptions propagated by society.  Just because we as women can do it ourselves, doesn't mean that we should.  The fact is we do need men, and men do need us.  Men should make us feel protected and loved, and women should let men feel needed and respected.  If a man is around who has the potential to become a great spiritual leader, then we as women should step aside while encouraging and supporting him to be all God has made him to be.  We should underpin him with our prayers.  This does not make us weak.  Rather, it is a strong woman who is not concerned about her self-esteem, acceptance and influence and is willing to follow God's way, even if it means taking a backseat.

A few months back, I had a couple of dreams where I was in the backseat of a car when a man was driving. In the first dream, I had arrived in the front seat, but on the return trip a man came along and took the passengers seat.  I started getting in the backseat, but felt the space was too small, so I got upset and I walked away.  In the same dream, I was back at the car, where the man I had arrived with was making a large space for me in the backseat.  It was great that he made the space, but I didn't feel that was where I should be positioned - behind him, no way.  In the next dream a few weeks later, I was in a car with a man driving me.  I was moving my and I was sitting in the backseat with some of my belongings.  You would think that at least I would be happy that this man was so kind to help move.  No sirree, not only were my arms crossed, but I was cross.  Imagine, the passenger seat was empty and I was given the backseat?

God has been trying to tell me something.  I have regarded the backseat as being placed in a position of inferiority, but God wants me there for his great purpose.   I should not try to get back at the man because of where I am placed, instead I need to have his back and be his backup. I am there to watch his back and advise him when to back off when I see trouble coming.  I shouldn't be the crick in his back, but, I should be there to cover his back.

This has been a long difficult journey into Biblical womanhood.  I am not where I should be, but I am definitely not where I was when I started on this quest.  It seems God has saved men from me, as I have never been married and I don't have children. I am thankful for that, because I believe I would have made a mess of things. My friends used to be concerned about the men I dated, because they knew I had a fiery tongue.   Jesus said, "For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of." Matthew 12:34   

My heart has not always been full of what's right, I had wanted to be "da man" and so my heart became full of what I thought a man should be.  In spite of this, God has loved me so much that He is transforming my life with the help of the Spirit of Truth, who is displacing the lies that were rooted my heart.

I am not saying I am ready for family and marriage now. Only God knows when I am ready, or if I will be ready.  However, I now know that it is necessary for me to yield to God's plan for my life and He will equip me for that purpose. By no means, am I at my destination.   Nonetheless, I am starting to enjoy this path of Biblical womanhood as I become who God made me to be.

Below is an interesting excerpt by Dr. Voddie Bauchman.  

THE END (For now)

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