After being in the desert for 40 years, God knew that His chosen people would be tested by the devil as they contested for their Promised Land. He also knew that the best way to combat the attack of this foe was for them to know the Word and live the Word.
While in the desert for 40 days and being tested by the devil with Scriptures, Jesus passed the test as He knew His purpose, He knew the Word and He lived the Word. Moreover, He is the Word.
When I think of the deviling approaching Jesus in the desert, I recognize how frightening it is that the Word can be twisted to the advantage of those who give the Word. The devil did the same thing in the garden of Eden with Eve, but Jesus had the Word in His heart in the desert.
I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart. Psalm 40:8
David wrote these words and Jesus lived by them. We must always have the Word in our hearts, asking God for His Spirit to give us deeper insight so that we can discern the heart behind the words that come from the Word. Motives aren't always right. We can use Bible verse to underpin just about any of our opinions. For this reason we must be careful where our opinions come from and make sure our heart is pleasing to God.
Jesus knew loving His Father, meant obeying His Word and hence fulfilling His purpose. Because of the disobedience in the garden, there had to be obedience in the wilderness. He was preordained to be tested in the wilderness from the beginning. Both He and God knew He would pass the test – He had to for our sake.
We too will have our own wilderness experience. That too was preordained. We will be tested over and over again, and we must pass the test for our sake and for the souls of others. God has set us apart to do His work, but in order to understand His plan for our lives we must do as Jesus did.
At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” Luke 4:42-43
Like Jesus, we must get alone with God and block out all distractions to who why and where God is sending us. Even those who love us will try to stop us because they care so much and want us to be with them. But, they must let us go to walk into our destiny to "proclaim the good news" in the manner God has designed specifically for us. But in order to be bold enough to walk away to "proclaim the good news", we must know the Word and live the Word.
God has prepared us to possess His promises, prophecies and plans, but we have to be strong and courageous by obeying Him as we live the Word.
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