“You are altogether beautiful, my darling;
there is no flaw in you." Solomon 4:7
there is no flaw in you." Solomon 4:7
Many of us do not understand how much God loves us, how He thinks of us and how He sees us. Since we don’t see ourselves from
God’s perspective, we can easily be lied to and manipulated by the enemy. We are robbed of our joy - the joy which
we need to give to those around us who have no joy. When our joy is taken from us, our strength also goes.
God created
each of us for a specific purpose that only we can do. He has brought us through paths that we did not want to go through, but we needed to go through to see His glory and to share His glory with others. They were never meant to rob us of our joy. Our trials can become triumphant, if we have God guide us through them. Troubles are not without reason, they are intended to bring us to a new level in Christ. We should not define ourselves by our troubles, but we should learn from them to redirect our thinking on the truths of God. Then, we will be able to recognize the lies of the enemy and come into an understanding of how much God loves each of us. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. He loves us even when we don't love ourselves.
The love of God builds us and gives us joy. We need to be careful that we are not ministering to people with our feelings of being lost and lonely. Sometimes we help people out of our need to feel better about ourselves in order to have temporary happiness. It is our pride and our wanting to boost our self-worth that serve as an impetus for us to go out to serve those in need. Right action, but wrong motive.
With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. 2 Thessalonians 1:11
The difficult situations in our lives aids us in identifying with hurting people as we can empathize with them. However, sometimes we are helping out of our own
personal hurt, instead of our healing and our faith. We may look like we are spiritually strong because we can quote the right Bible verses, but we are
actually weak because we don't live these scriptures. Our strength is a façade to hide our weakness.
There are many reasons we are weak - the negative words spoken over us; our need to be "someone" in our own eyes and the eyes of others; our good deeds that are not in God's will; our unforgiveness of ourselves and others; and our lack of eternal joy as we seek out temporary happiness. We lack faith as we block the work of the Holy Spirit to empower us to fulfill the purposes of God.
We really need to know how loved and
beautiful we are. We need to see ourselves from God's perspective. God
sees us as worthy, not because of our works, but because of the work of His Son on the cross. When we truly get this, then we can show others how much God loves them. They need to
know. God wants them to know and that
will bring about a new level of healing and restoration in their lives. Then, they in turn will be able to go out and minister to others in a more powerful way.
But, first it begins with us. God must transform our minds and give us a new vision of ourselves and those around us. We need to know the wonderful truths about us - How God sees us, so that He can use us to tell others how He sees them. The truth is we are His joy and He delights in us, and He needs to be our joy and we need to delight in Him, that is the source of our strength.
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