Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Facing Lizards

On New Year's Eve, a lovely lady wished me a lizard free 2016.  That was one of the best New Year's wishes I could ever have.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am not fond of lizards.

An intense dislike for lizards have passed on from generation to generation in my family.  Years ago, my grandmother locked the one handed gardener in one of the bedrooms and told him he could not get out until he had killed a green lizard that was somewhere by her hat boxes.  Years later, my uncle camped out on our sofa for three days as a lizard took up residence in his clothes closet.  Now, as I think about it, all he had to do was move to another room.  But, the sheer terror of this 6 inch reptile kept him far away.

I keep a broom nearby to run off lizards, if they are around me in the house.  Unless, I think they are too big, then I will run.  I have no shame in my game.  People wonder why my windows are closed.  They often surmise that I am locking out robbers.  However, this is done to keep other intruders out.  The reptilian kind.  I nearly had a heart attack when a lizard fell on my head once.  They are dangerous.

Many Jamaicans male and female are very afraid of lizards, especially the croaking lizard. 
They make this sinister croaking noise and they have bulging eyes that follow you wherever you go.  They are creepy looking.  There is even an article on this creature on 
Croaking lizard from
My friend has suggested that I am being held in bondage by the fear of lizards, and I should pray to get rid of this herpetophobia.  I have prayed.  But, it is usually for the lizards to leave.  And, I have been know to tell a lizard or two to "get out in the name of Jesus."  Let me tell you, there is power in the name of Jesus.  

This friend who lives in Australia has also invited me over there to speak about my ministry in Jamaica.  I am not quite sure about this though, as she told me about the lace monitor that she encountered in her backyard.  I don't try to go places where there are crocodiles, so I am not sure why I should go to visit the habitat of this baby dragon. She told me that these lace monitors don't like heat.  So, I asked her to have a circle of fire around her house, if I should visit.

Now, since this is the beginning of the year, maybe I should make a resolution to face my fear of lizards.  However, at this time, I have no such resolve. I am not quite sure what is the purpose of lizards.  My animal lover friend's remind me that they eat flies.  But, that's why they invented zappers.

Maybe next year I will enter 2017, ready to face my fears.  However, this year, I will continue praying for a lizard free 2016. 

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