Monday, 17 December 2012


“From now on I will tell you of new things,
    of hidden things unknown to you.
They are created now, and not long ago;
    you have not heard of them before today.
So you cannot say,
    ‘Yes, I knew of them.’

Isaiah 48:6-7

I can truly say "I didn't know." I didn't see this coming. Life had lots of twists and turns to get me here. The path I planned to take just kind of disappeared in the fog of despair as I wallowed in self-pity after each broken dream. But, I have found that all things do work for good if we love God and we are called to His purpose.

Nevertheless, the road to God's purpose is often filled with obstacles that may not be meant to stop us, but rather to redirect us. How often do we believe that we are in God's will, yet, nothing seems to go right?  Well, our gaffes can be our greatest gifts. It just depends on how we receive it as it is true that our mess can definitely morph into an amazing message of hope for many. 

The suddenlies of God catch us off guard and then we are in a "new thing". It may be way out of our comfort zone and quite a stretch. So, What now? From now on, our lives will never be the same. God is creating something new in our lives. This may be painful process, but it is not without purpose. We are moving into a new position and getting a different perspective. We can never say that we knew this was going to happen.  Actually, this was never in our plans, but God had His way. 

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