received and forwarded a video yesterday, which made me really stop and pause
to think that I might have been too hasty in dispersing this message. It
was a beautiful video encouraging viewers to show appreciation to our essential
workers who are in the frontlines during this COVID-19 crisis. I was
really happy to see this because I am totally behind honoring all those who are
working to keep us safe, including persons who work in medicine, security,
supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations, utility services, along with our
political leaders and so many other essential workers. However, one thing
concerned me. The timing of this celebration of our essential workers
seemed a bit odd. It would be right in the midst of many church services
on Resurrection Sunday throughout the island. Albeit, church for me is in
bed these days watching an online live stream. Nonetheless, I would still be
joining with other members of the body of Christ to celebrate His defeating
death in this awesome and deliberate act of self-sacrifice so that none of us
should perish, but all might have eternal life. Now, I know many people
may not share my beliefs, so they would not have wondered like I did why we
couldn’t honor our essential workers on Easter Monday instead, when nothing
much would be going on.
You see, I like many others, may fail at times to but Christ first in preference for others. We so easily slip into honoring people before our Lord, giving more esteem to the created rather than the Creator. How quickly we forget that when we seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness first, it is then everything will be added unto us including healing and protection. I must admit I got quite riled up last night after thinking about this video and how we get so easily distracted by what is good, instead of worshiping God. I started to get my praise on and I realized after that I got a reprieve from an unusual malady that I was suffering from since a few days before, which I had never had in my life. Now, that is the power of praise. When we get into the Word, we will understand that God inhabits the praises of His people and that He has a peculiar way of sending the praise team ahead in a battle to confound and scatter the enemy. In 2 Chronicles 20, King Jehoshaphat was informed that a great multitude was going to come against Judah. Fear gripped him, hence, he sought the Lord and proclaimed a fast for the nation. The people came from throughout the land to seek the Lord’s help. And, God responded telling them not to fear because the battle was His. They didn’t need to fight the battle. All they had to do was to stand and see the salvation of the Lord. The people fell down and worshiped Him while the Levites stood up and praised Him loudly. The praise of the Lord was going to prevail and He would win this battle. They just needed to put their trust in Him. Jehoshaphat appointed the singers and the folks who praised the Lord to give thanks to Him. As the praises went up, the Lord set an ambush and the enemy forces came against each other destroying themselves. It took Judah three days to collect all the enemy left behind. After three days Jesus rose from the dead and thwarted the enemy’s plan. And because death couldn’t hold Him, eternal life is ours. How can we not praise Him? When we come together wherever we are united over the internet on Resurrection Sunday to praise and celebrate our Savior, we will confuse the enemy. He expects us to succumb to fear and to get distracted by this storm. But, this war against COVID-19 is the Lord’s, we just need to stand and praise Him, then we will see His salvation.
have always loved the words in the song, I Feel Like Praising Him, which
says “If you don’t want to praise Him, don’t hinder me.” Unfortunately, we
sometimes hinder our praise of God because we have our eyes on people, instead
of keeping our focus on Him. Jehoshaphat prayed “…for we are powerless
before this great multitude who are coming against us; nor do we know what to
do, but our eyes are on You.” 2 Chronicles 20:12 NASB. Many of
us feel powerless against the coronavirus, but we must seek the Lord and keep
our eyes on Him. He has the power and the plan. Let us get His
strategy of praise, knowing that with man it is impossible, but with Him all
things are possible. I comprehend this because I know His
character. He has been my Waymaker when I felt there seemed to be no way;
He has been my Healer when the doctor said there was no cure; and He has been
my Provider when I have been down to nothing. Therefore, I am going to
celebrate God first, so that I can celebrate people better. If I were to
get married, I would never want to marry a man, who put me before God. He
has to love God more than me and accept His love before becoming united with
me, because without a doubt, there are times I am going to fail him. He
is going to need the love of God to carry him through my mishaps and he will
need the power of God to love me unconditionally through whatever drama I drag
him in. Anyone, who knows me, knows that I don’t go looking for drama,
but drama sure has a way of finding me. My point about this whole
preemptive marriage confession is to state that when we put God first, then we
can love people better.
must recognize that it is the Lord who has made us, and not we ourselves. (See
Psalm 100:3) Consequently, we must stop running to the created first,
instead of to the Creator. There are many of us who are busy working for
God, but not loving on Him. We are occupied with church optics looking good,
while our eyes have deviated from our God who is good. The work for our Father
itself has become our idol. The effects of coronavirus has allowed us to
see church differently and to refocus on the Lord. Let us not take our
eyes off Jesus this Easter period. Now, more than ever we need to look to Him
and celebrate Him. Let us open ourselves up to Him and let Him pour His
Spirit and love through us so we can love others. During this time, let
Him show us how to love our neighbors who are essential workers, or those who
may be in self-quarantine because of a variety of reasons, including being
elderly or having underlying conditions. Let us ask God how to help those
who have lost jobs because of this crisis, and also the underprivileged who are
facing even more hardships during this time. Many of our friends are
grieving the loss of a loved one, put we can’t reach out to them as we normally
would, so we need to seek God for Him to show us creative ways to help them
during the mourning process. And, when He responds, we must listen, no matter
how uncomfortable or inconvenient His directions may be.
believe as we celebrate God He will show us ways in which we can better assist
our heroes who are on the frontlines. This has to be ongoing during this
period, so that they know we have their back not just for a moment, but all
throughout this trying time. Jesus prayed for the unity of believers in
John 17, so let us be united as we pray together for our essential workers and
all those who are in need, while giving sacrificially and celebrating our