Friday, 30 May 2014

You can't handle the TRUTH

I have found that the biggest hindrance to sharing God's love with people on the streets is Christians.  Yep, that's right.  The same persons who are to show God's love, are the same ones others feel have an unloving and uncaring attitude.

I have really had to check myself and look at the actions of other Christians to see if this is true.  And, I came to the conclusion that, it is.  Sad, but true.  Introspection can be difficult at times, especially when you look at the hard cold truth that some things about you are not good and definitely not Godly.  And most times, as Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth." 

Why can't we handle the truth? It is ironic, because Jesus said He is the way and the truth and the life (John 14:6).  If we really aren't handling the "truth,"  then we can't really be living in Christ as He is the truth.   And seriously Christians, the way we live reflects just that.  Many of us have been subversive and disingenuous in trying to get our "way", which is not necessarily what Jesus, the way, would have us do. However, we discount that fact, and pick Bible verses, sometimes out of context, to buttress our point.  It may sound good, but may not be of God.

We have made truth relative and not absolute, even though we say we believe in the absolute truth, but it seems only when it is relative to our point. But wait! Absolute can never be relative, so our truths then cause absolute confusion. What's my point?  Exactly!!!

This creates another Abbott and Costello type conundrum.  So, we have to figure out who's on first?  Just remember, I'm on third 'cause, "I don't know."

Now, I'm getting lost and need to get back on track.  Which track?  Not sure, because there are so many to get on, and frequently many Christians just "jump on a bandwagon," without even checking in with God or other sound sources to get factual information to clarify if the "bandwagon" is indeed on the track of truth.

The truth is, it's important that Christians do not just react out of emotions.  We need to stop, look and listen before we make a move.  Stop and be still to know without a doubt that God is working in the situation. Then, look at all that is going on from God's perspective, which is through eyes of love. And, listen to other point-of-views and most of all for God's direction, before you go.  
We absolutely need to handle this truth and the truth about ourselves.  We cannot truly live or love, if we don't stop, look and listen.